Risk Assessment
choose test mode
We've prepared 2 sets of questions for you. The first set, includes more questions and takes more risk factors into account. The second set(compact mode), is actually a subset of the former and takes only the most important risk factors of Diabetes into account.
compact mode
1- Are you diagnosed with high blood pressure?
2- Are you diagnosed with high cholesterol?
3- Have you checked your cholesterol in the past 5 years?
4- What is your BMI(body mass index)?
5- Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life? [5 packs = 100 cigarettes]
6- Have you ever had a stroke?
7- Do you have a history of coronary heart disease (CHD) or myocardial infarction (MI)?
8- Have you had physical activity in past 30 days?(not including job)
9- Do you consume fruit 1 or more times per day?
10- Do you consume vegetables 1 or more times per day?
11- Are you a heavy alcohol consumer?(adult men >=14 drinks per week and adult women>=7 drinks per week)
12- Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance?
13- Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?
14- How would you rate your own general health on a scale of 1 to 5?
15- How many days were you in poor mental health in the past 30 days?
16- How many days were you in poor physical health(illness or injury) in the past 30 days?
17- Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
18- What is your gender?
19- How old are you?
20- what is your education level?
your risk for diabetes is
An icon to visualize the test result.
at risk
Consult a doctor for a comprehensive diabetes prevention plan, including dietary changes, regular exercise, and possible medication.
Assess your risk for diabetes with a quick test